Uploaded on Apr 18, 2023

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Jordi Villanova: “We have to reinvent and redesign our companies and supply chains continuously”
"We have to reinvent and redesign our companies and our supply chains continuously; we can never stop. Companies try to do their best to adapt their procedures, in order to maintain the level of competitiveness"

We've had the opportunity to talk with Professor Jordi Villanova Sanfeliu, coordinator of BEBS' MBA in International e-Supply Chain Management, to discuss the opportunities that new technologies offer to this field.

The Logistics and Supply Chain industry is one in constant change. Thanks to technology, improvements appear non-stop, and companies must keep up their efforts to maintain their supply chains up to date.

How is this non-stop cycle of changes lived within a company? Resistance to change procedures exists? Which role plays age in discovering the new improvements?

0:05 Professor Villanova, do you think that the use of new technologies for innovation in the supply chain industry is an opportunity or an obligation?
0:36 And are companies prepared for the change that new technologies can bring to the supply chain ecosystem?
1:22 Do you think there is a resistance to change? It is hard to implement changes to processes
1:58 Do you think learning about these changes depends on age? In other words, do you think that digital natives have an easier way to learn about them?
2:44 Inside of companies, who is usually promoting the changes in supply chain?
3:41 Changing the topic, what is your opinion on mixing people of different ages to work together? Both in education and in business.
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