Uploaded on Feb 07, 2020

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Master in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership at ESCP Europe
The Master in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership is a full-time master programme, designed prepare the future generation of digital innovators to tackle any business challenge related to digital transformation and frontier technologies.

The programme is taught in English at our London and Paris campuses. Participants spend 12 months in class learning about Cognitive Skills & Leadership, Digital Technologies and Transformation Management, followed by 4-6 months for a Digital Placement, a key part of their professional development.

The programme curriculum is designed to cover the topics of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, 3D Printing, IoT, Social Media, Blockchain and Robotics, and their impact on business, economy and society. Moreover, students get to specialise in either the Financial Services or Industry & Automation industry sectors, and complete a Company Consultancy Project in the selected area of specialisation.

Sounds like the right programme for you? Begin your application today: https://escpeuro.pe/2RIkBsO
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