Uploaded on Jun 11, 2020

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HHL Master in Management - Finance track
Ever wondered what drives pricing in M&A transactions and what reactions of the stock markets tell you about the brightness of these deals? Are you keen to see why, above all, Monte Carlo can help you managing risks? Would you like to know where a unicorn startup gets its food, i.e. financing, from?

HHL’s new MSc Finance Track offers answers to these and many more questions. The program we launch will broaden your horizon and turn you into an expert in the fields of finance. No matter if you fancy to study full-time or rather love to be more flexible in our part-time program, it’s your call to become part of our first HHL Finance generation starting in September 2020!

Sign up here to get more detailed information and the latest news regarding our new program. Start your HHL journey now!

Find out more about our full-time program ▶️https://www.hhl.de/programs/full-time-master-in-management-finance/

Find out more about our part-time program ▶️ https://www.hhl.de/programs/part-time-master-in-management-finance/

HHL's history:

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management’s history and tradition is a story of pioneering success that goes back to the 19th century. Leipzig’s entrepreneurs realized the need of educating business men to prepare them for the upcoming changes and challenges in a world becoming more globalized with its international trade. The foundation of Handelshochschule Leipzig in 1898 marks the birthplace of management education and is the first business administration faculty in German-speaking countries. Since those early days, the “honorable merchant” is recognized in the school’s emblem. Eugen Schmalenbach is one of the Handelshochschule first and most prominent alumni, also well-known as the founder of today’s business administration as an academic field in science and research.

Facts & Figures:
- 750+ students in 6 programs
- 60+ nationalities on campus
- 2500+ alumni in 10+ chapters
- 300+ start-ups, 5 unicorns
- 130+ partner universities
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