Uploaded on Jun 11, 2020

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HHL Expert Talks: Corona and Digital Disruption in Academia
HHL Expert Talk – Recognized Expertise on a global market

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual HHL Expert Talk series addresses latest and key topics in its research and academic programs to a broad audience. This also applies to the ongoing corona crisis and its effects. The HHL Expert Talk offers an open and further education and know-how transfer to the whole HHL community and beyond.
HHL Professors on Corona and its effects

Digital Disruption in Academia
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit universities hard. For centuries we were used to personal interaction between, students, professors and researchers. Yes, there were new digital options (such as MOOCs), but the academia largely neglected those. But now, from one day to the other, we had the alternative to adapt to digital technologies (as we have been telling industry to do for quite some time now) or to halt university operations entirely.
In his HHL Expert Talk, Prof. Dr. Carsten Bartsch provides, largely based on personal experiences, answers to the following questions:
Which kind of short-term answers did academia find to the pandemic challenge and how could we learn from industry?
Which of those behavioral changes might be here to stay – and how do they fit into a concept of “University 4.0”?
What could a “University 4.0” look like and what will be its drivers way beyond a short-term pandemic pressure?
How will existing academic institutions have to change to avoid the dinosaurs´ fate

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