Uploaded on Feb 18, 2020

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DECS. Creative Decoding Tool
We welcome you to Elisava; if you want to study engineering or design, this is your home. Of course, you're not just going to study here... you're going to discover theories and tendencies, you're going to question pre-established ideas, you're going to experience new ways and build alternatives. We will give you the best tools to achieve it; your creative energy sets the pace.

Elisava is the strength of its student body, more than 17,000 students from all over the world, those who have left their mark and those who enter today stepping hard to break schemes. It is a plural space that is nourished by a constantly changing multicultural society, where innovation is urgent and absolutely necessary.

You are our present and the future. We want to empower your abilities, lead you and connect you with the professional environment to enable your dreams so that they come true. We believe in a better world and we believe we can transform it. We're ready.
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Kevin Parker
Accounts Manager


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