Uploaded on Sep 10, 2019

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90 seconds with Jack Cheng, NIO and XPT
In conversation with Jack Cheng, Co-founder & EVP of NIO and CEO of XPT. From an interview held at ESMT Berlin’s Annual Forum 2018 on June 7, 2018.

When we have the market eruption that was started from a couple of years ago, China has led this initiative of bringing more so-called environmental-free power management and, also, providing more charging facilities in the country to help the natural growth of the market into the new energy zone.
What we are seeing is that this is not only about the environment; it’s about the users profile. The users are getting younger; they’re moving faster; they want everything right on the spot.

So, this user enterprise, cutting off the middle-man, go direct to the user and service the needs they need. That’s easy that we can develop a platform based on the timing technology or the hardware, get it all hunky-dory.

But, for a user, on a day-to-day basis, to maintain that kind of trust and relationship –that’s the most challenging thing.
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