Uploaded on Sep 10, 2019

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90 seconds with … Edzard Overbeek, HERE Technologies
In conversation with Edzard Overbeek, CEO of HERE Technologies. From an interview held at ESMT Berlin’s Annual Forum 2018 on June 7, 2018.

If you think about the physical world that you walk through in any city, you now overlay a two-to-three dimensional digital map, indoor and outdoor, at centimeter precision.

Location-based services and digital maps are, in our opinion, the foundation for every business use case that a city or a government is looking for.

We believe that everybody is, today, into big data. Big data is really the oil of the 21st Century. It is no longer just to gather big data, it’s the insights that you derive from big data.

Using big data in analytics and making sure you don’t invest into areas that, in your modelling, already shows that it doesn’t make sense to do. Learn fast, fill fast, and really use data as an integral part of your strategy to optimize anything you do into your government, into your business, into you as an entrepreneur.
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