Uploaded on Aug 25, 2023

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HHL Community: Interview with Livia Jansen-Winkeln, part-time Master student
Meet the HHL Community! Video series introducing our students, professors and staff members. Livia is a part-time Master in Management student at HHL.

👋🏻 Get to know the HHL Community! In this series, we introduce you to our students, professors and staff members. Who are the faces behind HHL Graduate School of Management and what drives them to do the work they do?

🎓Livia Jansen-Winkel is the manager for cooperation and co-creation at Unicredit Bank in Munich and also studies the part-time Master in Management program. Studying at HHL shifted her perspective and made her change directions in her job. She is now more focused on finding work with a purpose and has become mindful that life is not a sprint but a marathon. The HHL network has been a valuable asset to her personally. "It is the thing that lasts the longest and opens doors to new opportunities that arise on my journey".
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